Prof. Samir El-Masri
Chairman of the Board
United Arab Emirates

Prof. Samir El-Masri
Chairman of the BoardDigitization
United Arab Emirates
Topic : Arab World Roadmap Towards Digital Economy
Prof. El-Masri received his PhD (1997) in speech production from INPG (France). He worked at Hokkaido University and NTT (Japan) from 1997 until 2001 building a talking robot. He was Assistant/Associate Professor at University of Western Sydney (Australia) from 2001 until 2006. Prof. El-Masri worked at leading IT consulting companies in Sydney, Australia from 2006 until 2009. Prof. El-Masri was a Professor from 2009 until 2014 at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia). He has more than 130 published research papers on advanced digital technologies. Prof. El-Masri worked for General Electric (GE) from 2014 as a Senior Regional Director leading digital projects in the MENA region until 2017. Prof. El-Masri is an expert in Digital Transformation and Digital Technologies and he is helping the large companies and organizations in telecommunications, banking, real estate in addition to digital governments.
Prof. El-Masri is a public digital industry speaker, founder and chairman of Digitalization and other companies, the author of “Certified Digital Business Leader” and “Certified Digital Transformation Professional” programs.
Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Distinguished Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Distinguished Professor, of Electrical and Computer EngineeringKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Topic : Towards Environment-Aware Wireless Networks: Current Concerns & Next-Generation Green Techniques
Mohamed-Slim Alouini was born in Tunis, Tunisia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena,CA, USA, in 1998. He served as a faculty member in the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, then in the Texas A&M University at Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar before joining King Abdullah University ofS cience and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia as a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2009. His general research interests include the modeling, design, and performance analysis of wireless communication systems. He is currently actively working on addressing the uneven global distribution, access to, and use of information and communication technologies by studying and developing new generations of aerial and space networks to provide connectivity to far-flung or less-populated areas.
Eng. Belal Khaled Al-Hafnawi
Commissioner / Full Time Board Member
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission

Eng. Belal Khaled Al-Hafnawi
Commissioner / Full Time Board MemberTelecommunications Regulatory Commission
Topic : Digital Transformation and New trends in Business
Eng. Belal Khaled Al-Hafnawi is a C-level ICT Executive experienced in Management, leadership, regulatory and Strategy.
He is having 18+ years of Solid Experience in technology, telecommunications, Digital Transformation, Artificial intelligence, Internet of things, High level advisory
He is currently the Commissioner/ Full time Board Member in Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC)
- Experienced with top worldwide mobile network vendors - Huawei, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and Materna GmBH of over increasing responsibility.
- High level Consultancy (CxO Level), Management Consulting.
- Solid experience in managing complex Programs, Customer operation management and service delivery.
- Heading 3 committees in TRC of latest technologies: 5G strategy, Digital transformation and Blockchain.
- Managed variant budgets up to $ 80M, and led teams up to 75 persons.
Prof. A. R. Al-Ali
Computer Science & Engineering
American University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates

Prof. A. R. Al-Ali
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering DepartmentAmerican University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates
Topic : Smart Cities from the Ground to the Cloud: Technologies and Services
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Al-Ali is working in computer science and engineering at the American University of Sharjah since Sept 2000.
He previously worked with the electrical engineering Dept., at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia between 1991-2000. Abdul-Rahman Al-Ali's research and teaching interests include embedded systems hardware and software architectures, interface and programming, Cyber physical systems an IoT applications in smart cities including smart grid, remote monitoring and control industrial plants.
Dr. Al-Ali has More that 100 publications, one US patent and one European patent. He has been a keynote and an invited speaker at several conferences. He is a senior member of the IEEE.